The puppy’s first year of life is the most important for his upbringing, so it is vital to put in a good foundation that will allow you to live in peace and tranquility with your dog for life.


Scold the puppy?

It must be borne in mind that the dog is a habitual animal so if you allow it to sleep in bed with you for example or climb into the sofa remember that it will do so even as an adult (clean or not). From the first days at home you have to teach it the NO (which must not be followed by violence), a NO said firmly and decisively works better than 10 spankings.
Violence does nothing but establish fear in the puppy towards you and is the opposite of what you want, in fact the PTF’s best training philosophy is positive reinforcement (positive reinforcement link). The timing of NO is very important, if when you return from work you find your bathrobe reduced in confetti (taken from a true story) it makes no sense to scold the puppy because it does not connect your NO to damage so it is useless, make sure that the puppy associates the NO to wrong actions so just say it when you catch him in a crime fragrance so in the future he will immediately understand that when it hears NO he’s making a prank.
If your sweet puppy cries because it wants to play or for other reasons you absolutely MUST NOT satisfy it, it must not associate its complaints with prizes, otherwise every time it wants something it will cry to get it and this must not happen because YOU ARE THE HEADS BRANCO not the puppy, you decide when it’s time for play and cuddles.

The Puppy bites (hands, feet, pants…)

The reasons that push a puppy to bite are varied, among the most common ones there is the desire to play and to attract the attention of the new master. Very often you are the one who reinforces this behavior in the puppy that may seem funny the first few times, so even though it is a wrong way to play and interact with the puppy after seeing your reaction to its bites (raise your voice, laugh or keep playing) think this is the right way to get your attention.
What should you do? The most correct behavior to take in these cases absolutely does not include raising the voice or any kind of violence, but you must immediately ignore the puppy when it starts to bite you and stop playing. After waiting 5 minutes you can start playing with the puppy again by looking for to channel its desire to nibble in its toys by rewarding it with cuddles and morsels when it behaves well and of course as soon as it starts to bite you again you will take another 5 minute break and you will see that in doing so the puppy will understand that if it wants to play with you it will have to limit himself to bite its games.
In addition to this it can be very useful to have the pup perform physical activity and to channel his attention by teaching it simple obedience commands so as to tire it out even on a psychological level.


How long can you be alone?

Let’s start by saying that a puppy has to sleep about 18 hours a day (while an adult is about 14) so ​​if the dog is well accustomed there will be no problem leaving it at home while you go to work or go out. A study has shown that the minimum stress level in the dog is when it is 5 hours alone (unbelievable, even dogs need to stay a little alone), obviously in our opinion it depends a lot on how a dog is used to: there are dogs that are absolutely not stressed to be alone for 8 hours, as there are dogs that follow their master like a shadow.
Our advice is that the puppy has to learn to be alone and the first few times it is advisable to make games available and limit the area in which it can do damage (remember that to scold the puppy if it is biting your shoes / furniture / clothes you must find it in a fragrance of crime otherwise it will not associate the NO with the wrong action). When you have to leave the puppy alone, the first few times, it is very useful to let it do some physical activity (10-15 minutes before) and then leave when it has calmed down.


Urges at home!

To all the future drivers of a puppy who fear the needs at home, I advise you to rest assured, that apart from a few minor incidents at the beginning the puppy will not dirty at home. It is very important to identify the moments in which your puppy needs (3/4 times a day) which are usually after a period of play, after eating or after waking up, by doing so we will take it out in advance and he will get rid of it (associating the soft grass, the rocks, the soft sleeper to needs) and we will reward you with cuddles and treats. The secret is to take them out very often (about 6 times a day) for the first month so that it understands that we are happy if it takes them out.
For those who do not have the ability to take the puppy out instead and use the classic absorbent sleeper the method is always based on the association (remember that dogs reason by association), the puppy must associate the soft sleeper with the urges, a method for teach it that it consists of circumscribing the puppy in a relatively small space (2 × 2) and covering the floor with sleepers, changing the dirty ones after a couple of days if necessary, start removing the ones closest to the puppy’s bowls and bed and leave only those “Distant”, you will notice that the puppy will always start to make the needs in the area of ​​the sleepers, doing so after the puppy has learned you can easily leave it free at home and he will do it in the sleepers (IMPORTANT the puppies do not distinguish carpets from sleepers so for a few months it is useful to remove the carpets in the area where your puppy will live if you get used to it to pee in the sleepers).


Socialization of the Dog

The socialization of a puppy has priority over any type of training, because thanks to the latter you will get a balanced and confident puppy, but let’s go on to analyze how well when and why all this importance is given to socialization. The ideal period for socializing goes from about 2 to 4 months, in this time frame the puppy is a sponge ready to absorb everything that happens around it, this gives us the possibility to let it know everything it will have to see in life its, so he never fears anything. During this time the puppy will have to socialize with dogs (obviously balanced and calm) and people of every type (with a beard, with a hat, of color, white) who will play with it and give it some morsels, doing so in a puppy will associate them with positive things and you will never have aggression problems. The same applies to socializing with objects that a dog may fear as motorbikes, carriages, train buggies, and so on, even in this case with great calm and tranquility and the usual cuddles accompanied by a few tidbits will ensure that our dog does not fear anything in age adulthood.This hyper sensitivity of the puppy to the external environment can be a double-edged sword, in fact a trauma suffered by the puppy during this period of its formation can be difficult to remove so I recommend you to carefully choose dogs and people for socialization of your four-legged friend.Last but not least we talk about CHILDREN and puppies, also for them the rule of the positive association with cuddles and bites is worth, I strongly recommend to first educate the child to the figure of the puppy and not the other way around.


The puppy cries at night

The puppy has just separated from its mother and little brothers and is obviously a little restless, it is important not to give it too much attention and ignore it if it cries for no reason otherwise it will cry whenever it wants your attention. Our advice is to first make sure that the place in which it is located is suitable for it (with possible dangers, too cold, too hot, with loud noises etc …) later during the day we have to make it tired so that the evening is short of energies.


When should I start training my Puppy?

The answer to this question is … immediately! Obviously you must never forget to have a lot of patience and that the puppies have 5-10 minutes of concentration after which you have to make them play for at least half an hour before doing another training session.


When to go to the vet?

The puppy is already given with the vaccine, so you need to go to the vet to call back about 20 days after the date of the first vaccine. During spring / summer / autumn, the puppy filaria also needs to be done, usually with tablets recommended by the veterinarian.

Puppies are not mass-produced!

Each individual of each species (including man) is unique, there will never be a puppy equal to another and each will have its own personal characteristics. Every puppy has imperfections and strengths and this is what makes them magnificent.

What food should my Puppy eat?

On this topic you could write a book because dogs like humans respond differently to different types of food, however our advice is to give them excellent croquettes (such as low grain or farmina grainfree but you can also give other brands type acana, prolife etc …) and wanting to alternate with veal or salmon once or twice a week. The puppy will have to make 3 meals a day of about 80g each (for a total of 240g a day) which will become two after the six months, obviously the doses will increase up to around 450g a day (which may vary depending on the dog metabolism, physical activity, seasons, age).


About the change of ownership?

After completing the forms on the day of adoption, you will have to wait (usually about a week) for us to formalize the exit of the puppy region, then we will send you the official confirmation that you will need to bring to your u.l.s. (or to the city) to confirm the entry into the region of the puppy and also to check that everything went well. If you are in Veneto instead you will simply have to go and check that the passage has been successful.


This in our opinion is the right compromise between comfort, practicality and quality. If you follow all our advice, your cohabitation with the puppy before and with the adult dog after will be very quiet and peaceful.