Hi guys! After making the video (LESSON 2) in which we explain how to teach the correct walk to your puppy from an early age, many of you wrote to us saying that your dog is now an adult and is already used to pulling, so we have prepared this video that shows exactly how to get the dog to stop pulling on the leash and to do that we used an expert shooter, our Mayotta!

Maya is an eight-year-old dog who has practiced shooting sports at an amateur level, so you can understand how much she likes it and how much she is used to shooting, however in half an hour we have already managed to make her understand that you should not shoot and you will see that continuing like this for a month it will completely stop pulling.

The secret is always that DO NOT GIVE THE DOG WHAT IT WANTS IF IT DOES WRONG ACTIONS TO GET IT, if the dog pulls because he wants to go one way you go to the other, when instead he is waiting for you, reward him and go where he wants (obviously within the limits ) and remember that the walk is not just for the dog and not just for you, it is a moment of fun and mutual sharing in which furry dog ​​and handler spend quality time together.

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